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Ready to get started?

We believe the key factor for impact in a community is longevity. That is why we help find long-term solutions for big-vision churches. 

Fill out the form to the right and someone from our team will contact you within 24 hours.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens after I submit a contact form?

Someone from our team will contact you within 24 hours.

From there we will set up a discovery call with you to get to hear more about you, your church, and what challenges you're facing. 

Commonly what we do next is present solutions to the challenges you shared, followed by a proposal.

Depending on the scope of work and number of our team involved, we can typically start a project within 4-6 weeks.

What size churches do you typically work with?

In our staffing and consulting work, we typically work with churches and nonprofits who have staffs of 6-250 and annual budgets of $1m-$60m. We also have cohorts and coaching available and smaller churches often take advantage of those opportunities as well. That said, even if we aren't the best fit, we would love to help you find a solution to the challenge you are facing.